The Greeks and heroes of Greek mythology


Deucalion and Pyrrha

He was the son of Prometheus and one of the Oceanids, whose name is shuffled between Pronea, Hesione or Clymene. He reigned in the regions near Phthia, but his wife was Pyrrha, daughter of Epimetheus and Pandora, the first woman created by the gods.

When Zeus decided to put an end to the Bronze Age with the great flood, Deucalion, on the advice of Prometheus, built an ark and, arranging within it what was necessary, embarked in the company of Pyrrha. Zeus caused a flood and flooded most of Hélade, so that all men would perish except a few who took refuge on the summits of the nearby mountains.

The sources do not agree on which mountain the ark arrived, although some consider that it could be Mount Parnassus, Mount Etna in Sicily, Atos or Otris in Thessaly. This account has been linked to the biblical Noah and to the narrative of Utnapishtin that appears in the Poem of Gilgamesh.


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The Greeks and heroes of Greek mythology

The Greeks and heroes of Greek mythology